Sunday, 7 February 2010

Birthday party

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Yarn shop Marias garn in Stockholm is four years old, and Maria and her family celebrated yesterday by inviting knitters for coffee and cake.

Of course, it was a great afternoon: I met new knitters (new to me, that is) like Eldstickan and Lisa and got a chance to see fellow Ravelers balconyknit and TanjaL again.

Maria loves purple, and she is a great knitter of sweaters and shawls (among other things) so I had made her a mini sweater knitting a mini shawl. Would you believe it, Maria herself was also working on a purple triangular shawl!

I started knitting a new shawl at the party, using a pattern from Junghans-Wolle that Fadenstille was kind enough to send me. Danke schön! My main challenge this time is using a pattern in German, but since it's a lace pattern it isn't too difficult, charts and symbols being international.

Any modifications? Yes! Today I actually ripped out what I'd made yesterday and started a new version; it will be three repeats wide instead of two for a crescent rather than triangular shape.

It's still winter (in case you didn't know!) but the sky was clear today. The cathedral is like Garbo, beautiful from all angles.


Anonymous said...

What a clever gift. From the picture it is difficult to know how big it is. You are lucky to have so many knitter friends.

Asplund said...

Hi Ron! It's about 5 cm (2 inches).
I am indeed lucky - with both knitter and non-knitter friends!

Marias garnhändelser said...

Sjalen ser ut att bli jättesnygg...gillar att det är et löv mittpå...ser fram emot fortsättningen!
Tack för igår & stor kram.

FadenStille said...

Tolle Strickparty, um die ich dich ein wenig beneide, hier in der Wollwüste Allier.
I like your modifications !!!
Man muss nur drauf kommen, bin gespannt wie das Tuch wird, du magst auch nicht die störende "Mittelnaht" mit zwei Umschlägen rechts und links, darum mag ich die Blattmuster so, da fällt es nicht auf. Deine Lösung jedoch grandios, wird das Tuch dann halbrund???
Ich plane das gleiche Muster, aber dann in einem Kleid ... mal sehen.
Herzlichst Anett

Marika said...

Vackert! Om du kommer på stickcafé imorgon så kan du väl ta med den så vi får kolla närmare på den!

Anonymous said...

Fick just ett mail från yll och tyll kan det vara ett tecken på att jag bör besöka Uppsala? Och sticka med dig? ;o)

la dame hex said...

of course, like garbo.

three repeats wide is a brilliant adaptation.

salute, friend...

craftivore said...

The mini sweater and shawl are insanely cute. Do they stand up on their own?

Asplund said...

They do! I don't think the sweater would on its own, but adding the shawl made a difference.

Gunilla aka Feltangel said...

The mini sweater is adorable ! Your lace shawl looks stunning !
You are such a clever knitter / Take good care of yourself
Best regards

Anonymous said...

That mini sweater is so creative! A gift like that will be well-appreciated, I'm sure.