Sunday, 7 March 2010

Adding some colour

WIP: Zaire by Isager
Originally uploaded by Asplund
A ball of yellow wool was practically calling me from a corner of my stash, and I couldn't resist adding it to the other colours. There will be two more mitred stripes; my plan is to make the next one yellow too to achieve a kind of frame for the next set of squares.

In addition to this modification of the stripes, I've decided to knit them garter-stitch to make them blend with the squares. The original design has stripes that consist of a combination of stocking stitch and garter stitch; I tried this first but thought enough was going on already, especially with my additions of stripes and colours, and changed it to have the same texture all over.


Anonymous said...

Every colour you add changes the whole landscape. I really like it.

Anonymous said...

The yellow looks great!

Asplund said...

Thank you, both! Love your use of the word "landscape" about knitting, Ron - never thought of doing that before, but I think it's great!