On Tuesday I met a group of knitters – the fourth one in about a month! This particular event was very special, because I knew some of them but hadn't seen them for 15-20 years. You see, it took place where I spent most of my childhood, in a building only about half a mile from the house where we lived. Since moving I've only passed through the area a couple of times, so it was quite exciting returning, especially for this reason.
There were about 15 knitters there; I didn't know all of them but the ones I did know (like mothers of old class mates – no fathers in sight, strangely enough!) I recognized immediately or in an instant. Speaking of mothers, my mother joined me and it's nice sharing this day with her: it wouldn't have been the same thing just telling her about what it was like. Unfortunately, my sister was busy, but I hope there will be more opportunities.
The picture above shows where I lived as a child – and knitted, of course. If I remember correctly, it is actually where my grandmother showed me how to knit during one of her visits.
There were about 15 knitters there; I didn't know all of them but the ones I did know (like mothers of old class mates – no fathers in sight, strangely enough!) I recognized immediately or in an instant. Speaking of mothers, my mother joined me and it's nice sharing this day with her: it wouldn't have been the same thing just telling her about what it was like. Unfortunately, my sister was busy, but I hope there will be more opportunities.
The picture above shows where I lived as a child – and knitted, of course. If I remember correctly, it is actually where my grandmother showed me how to knit during one of her visits.
I've started knitting Jane Sowerby's "Lady's Circular Cape in Shell Pattern" (Victorian Lace Today) with the pale pink wool-silk blend that I tricked myself into buying last week. Sooo easy to trick sometimes!
An enjoyable project, even though it looks like assorted intestines right now...
Your photos are so beautiful. I so want to make a trip to Iceland, the Shetland Islands, the Faroese Islands, and the Scandinavian countries. Your picture of your birth land tugs at my heart.
Ron in Mexico
När man tar upp smålandsbilden så att den täcker hela skärmen blir den fullständigt underbar! Sverige sverige fosterland.........
Nästa år i Jerusalem...hoppla, Lofta
Hej Ivar! Har beundrat dina underbara verk på Flickr, bor själv i Västervik så det var kul att läsa om dig i VT. Undrar om du kan göra såna här på beställning åt mig?http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=25079582&ref=sr_gallery_10&&ga_search_query=spats&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_page=&includes[]=tags&includes[]=title
Har ett funktionshinder som gör att jag handarbeta själv längre...
favoriter ( snabel-a) gmail.com
Hej Carin - och tack!
Nu har jag tittat på sidan, och måste nog säga att jag känner mig tveksam - mest för att de är virkade och det är något jag knappt har hållit på med. Jag kanske kan få fundera ett tag och återkomma?
He,he,he,, isn´t it awful how easy it is to trick one self? But so joyful though. your cape looks interesting.. from Ravelry?
Gå in på stickamera.se och läs info om Grisen i Säcken innan ni gör era påhopp.
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