To begin, Kulturgården is a beautiful building overlooking lake Mälaren - just perfect. And the rooms are amazing. I believe they make my displayed knitting look better than it really is!
Also, it is such an advantage showing knitting: visitors are really interested, asking all sorts of questions. And all these delightful meetings: old friends, new friends, friendly strangers, relatives I don't see often enough, fellow Ravelers I've been in touch with on the internet but never met before... So many interesting people and rewarding meetings. What a treat!
My cousin Cecilia has made the beautiful notebook I use as a guestbook. She asked me if I could knit her a pair of twined mittens in return. She chose the colour and told me what kind of patterns she likes, but the rest is up to me to decide. I don't think she's in a hurry to get them, though, because it seems spring has finally arrived: the ice is gone from the lake, there are all kinds of spring flowers, birds singing everywhere... A glorious day.
I will try again. I just borrowed a book from the library on twined knitting.
Ron in Mexico
Kul att läsa din blogg. Trevligt med nya bekantskaper, både i verkligheten och på nätet.
Jag gillar att se mycket välgjorda arbeten.
Lika vackert skrivet som stickat. Jag njuter att att titta och läsa. Och längtar efter att bära min sjal - visst är det den som pryder rubriken?
Din Annika
Kul att du fått igång en blogg också - välkommen i gänget!
Hope you are going to enjoy your blogging!
Jag gillade verkligen din utställning! - Dina stickade alster är verkligen enormt vackra speciellt om de blir exonerade på ett så professionellt sätt.
Welcome to the world of Knit-blogging... clearly another way to extend your many talents to a wider audience.
Good luck and congratulations on the success of your exhibition!
Arohanui from New Zealand
Åsa, with this kind of response I don't see how I could not enjoy blogging - thanks, everyone for your kind comments!
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