I've made up my mind I don't like the Barège pattern that much after all, at least not well enough to keep knitting it. (It's barely visible in this picture since the edge curls.) To make sure, I made a small swatch without any modifications to see if I should reknit this section according to the instructions instead, but still wasn't convinced - so I'd rather rip out a couple of inches now than regret not having done it when it's blocked. There's nothing wrong with the pattern, not at all - it just seems like far too much and too monotonous work compared to what I think of the results.
I think I'm going to make use of the "Cap shawl" design (also in Sowerby's Victorian Lace Today) instead for the third section, but that will take some planning. Not that I mind it very much; it's a bit like solving crosswords trying to fit in a pattern shape in a garment shape.
The shape is nice, I think, and somehow it looks more comfortable (and practical) than a triangular shawl. That's a good thing about pulling out the needle at this stage: getting a better idea of what it will actually look like!
There are some pictures of the shawl with the Barège pattern intact here: http://www.thedailypurl.com/shawls/
your knitting is beautiful. i hope to see it live some day. what skills.
vad roligt att du kom förbi vårt stickkafe i måndags. Har beundrat dina tröjor och verk via Stickor o Spån och Ravelry. Hoppas att du dyker upp någon mer gång så man kan hälsa ordentligt.
I think it is great that you are going to change the pattern. So much better than forging ahead and hating the result. I have always wondered about triangular shawls and how people keep them on their shoulders. Will be interested in seeing this one finished.
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