I've been thinking about starting a knitting blog for ages. I'm not sure what to write about, though! I'm used to knitting, not writing about it...
Why not start with my latest project, which I cast on yesterday? It's a shawl for my friend Eva. The yarn is "Viva" by Wetterholm, 70% wool/30% silk, wonderful to work with. The pattern is a spider-web shawl from Jane Sowerby's Victorian Lace Today, one of my favourite knitting books. Needles 3½ & 4 mm (US 4 & 6).
The pattern consists of three triangles. (It is possible to knit a hexagonal shawl in the round too.) It's fun to knit, but the rows get longer and longer quickly! I started with 6 stitches and now (after some 20 cm/8 in) there are ca 210 stitches. I have decided not to check how many there will be when it's time to cast off. Still, there's a great advantage knitting this kind of shawl design: you don't have to worry about being short of yarn.
I added an extra pattern (holes in groups of three) from another design in the book. Wouldn't call it an improvement, but I couldn't resist adding it for the sake of variety.
O Lord have Mercy! A Blog! You are a good man. Welcome. I will be a devoted reader who will expand her knowledge of Swedish. Sticka means Post, I hope.
Thank you - what an encouraging comment on my first post!
"Sticka" is an excellent Swedish word to know. It means knit (or knitting needle). Post is "inlägg" - some words are simply impossible to guess... But many are more or less the same in Swedish and English!
The commenting directions went English on me. If they ever go back to Swedish, I'll try to figure out what the "Stikka" button was asking me to do.
Your blog looks wonderful so far!
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