Today was a wonderful first day of my show at yarn shop Marias garn in Stockholm. So many friendly, talented and creative people I've met: thanks everone for a great day!
Some were friends that I haven't met for a couple years, like fellow Ravelers katarina and findus, whom I've stayed in touch with since we met at a knitting camp in the summer of 2007, where we had a great time.
I was also thrilled to get to meet borntoknit in person for the first time! I've admired her work since I first discovered her talents on Flickr a few years ago and then looked her up on Ravelry, which took me to her blog.
Another amazing textile artist that turned up was Flickr's Feltangel. Check out her wonderful needlefelted dogs and other items on Flickr and her site "Ull och krull"!
Let me tell you, it's quite tempting spending hours in a yarn shop. Still, I managed not to buy a single skein of yarn! However, that's mainly because I bought enough for a sweater yesterday after arranging all the items in the window.

give yourself a HUGE pat on the back for the lovely display -- I personally would love to have any/all of your projects! SO fabulous! And how fun members of the world wide knitting community came by -- what fun!
But the red/cream sweater is still my favorite, in spite of your Fair Isle sweaters that are "to die for" :)
Congratulations! That is a wonderful display. Wouldn't I love to be walking down that street and seeing all your beautiful knitting. Good luck.
Ron in Mexico
Congratulations! That's an impressive display!
Thank you, all!
MaryjoO: I'm happy that particular sweater is your favourite, because it's mine too in a way: it's the sweater I dreamed about making one day after seeing it in a book when I was ca 12. So, it's THE milestone of my knitting - after finishing it (at 18) I felt I really could knit.
Ivar, it was great to finally meet you, too!
Your work is extraordinary, so perfect in every detail.
It will make me happy to pass your sweaters in the shop window every day on my way to work.
Grattis Ivar! Ser jättefint ut. Så synd att vi inte hann med din vernissage - hur vi än räknade på det så fick vi inte ihop det med gymnastiktävling och egen vernissage i Uppsala :( Kul att det var lyckat!
Astounding. Your work is fabulous and such an inspiration. I'm glad you had the opportunity to showcase your impressive talent.
Ah young Mr Asplund... it's wonderful that your work can be on display and be enjoyed by so many people. One day I really must make the journey to Sweden.
Congratulations on yet another inspiring exhibition!
Tack, Cecilia - hoppas din lördag också var lyckad! Jag ska ta mig en titt nästa gång jag är i Uppsala.
Thank you, Joni and James!
Hi Ivar !
Thanks for linking to my website on your blog. It was so nice to meet you in person, you make the most beautiful sweaters !
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