Tuesday, 27 April 2010

A few of my favourite things

Naxos Cat
Originally uploaded by

Now that I've started my "Pacific" sweater I'm going to write seven things about myself (for receiving a blog award).

Here are seven things that I like:

1. Cats (see photo). Don't have one, but we always did when I grew up. For a few years we had three, and unlike our dog they liked walks. (She joined out of sheer jealousy, though.)

2. Needlepoint. (See photo again!) I haven't done it for quite a few months, but will probably get back into it. I like it that you can paint with colours in ways that hardly would be possible in knitting. This is a design by Elian McCready, and I stitched it some eight years ago.

3. Books, both fact and fiction. Right now I'm in the middle of The Children's Book by A.S. Byatt, and opening it is like stepping into the late 19th century.

4. Movies. A few months ago I joined a study circle, "Se film med nya ögon" (Watch movies with new eyes) and I've learnt so many things! I used to watch movies more or less they way I read novels, but last week we discussed editing, light, camera angles etc. comparing three scenes in Spike Lee's 25th Hour for a couple of hours. It's so rewarding hearing what others have seen and thought about. Our teacher has chosen great, very different movies and gives us intriguing questions to ponder.

5. Listening to the radio. A favourite show is "Språket" (language).

6. Gustavianum in Uppsala. My favourite building.

7. "This Year's Kisses" with Billie Holiday and Lester Young. Well, practically anything recorded by Lady Day.

I'm passing this award on to James, whose blog was the first one I started reading a few years ago. He recently arranged a Men's Knitting Retreat in New Zealand!


Anonymous said...

Very impressive pillow! I share your love of books.

Anonymous said...

Hej du rare Asplund;O)
Ska du med till Mariefred nu på lördag? Garn är billigare än du-vet-vad;o)Hälsar Anette

Asplund said...

Klåtan! Är tyvärr upptagen på lördag. Det blir väl fler tillfällen? Du får handla åt mig också. Garn alltså!

Anonymous said...

Och du har shoppar garn utan oss í SThlm vi måste nog straffa dig med lite stickning med dig i Upsala///A

Asplund said...

Erkänner mig skyldig och finner ingen anledning att överklaga domen. Emotser påföljden med odelat nöje!

Anonymous said...

Naughty but nice!!!;o)