Tuesday, 13 August 2013


First of all, thanks for birthday wishes! I had a very nice day and am fortunately far from suffering from any kind of midlife crisis. On the contrary, finding oneself knitting three different Alice Starmore designs must surely be a sign of extremely good health!

My most recently started Starmore design is "Henry VIII". There are more rows without colour changes than in Donegal and Alba, which makes it quicker to knit - and it is such a treat seeing the pattern take shape. I have just finished the first repeat. They consist of 64 rows, so there will be three in all and the shoulder join will be in the middle of the part with red background.

Here is a birthday present I'd like to share with you, a beautiful rose that Cecilia Levy sent me. Look at the petals! The medium-sized ones are all cut from pages no 40 - and the smaller ones inside them from no 39, like years unfolding. Too elegant for words.


Eva said...

Vad skulle jag lägga din blogg i listan för? Nu dregglar jag ju igen...
Fast mönstersticka ska jag ju få, bara jag vågar lita på jag kan göra om till rundstickn ist för 2 stycken.
Och varför fick JAG ingen sådan helt fantastisk ros? Ja ja, sidan 50 var väl slut kanske...
TACK för all inspiration!

ron in mexico said...

This is my favourite Starmore design. Such lovely and rich colours.
Ron in Mexico