As I haven't been knitting much lately (sic! at one point a whole week passed without a single stitch) there isn't much to write about my projects.
Instead, I could write a post about something a couple of people have asked me: how I manage to knit as much as I normally do.
1. Speed. I've become faster over the years.
2. Taking opportunities. I usually have a project with me so I can knit a few stitches while waiting for the bus or whatever. Fortunately, I don't mind knitting in public anymore - but it took many years, and I still try to find a corner to knit in.
3. I don't work full time. (It just feels like it!)
4. Not owning a car. I commute to work, which gives me a lot of knitting time each week. Most of
the Estonian shawl was actually made on trains!
5. Multitasking. I think well while knitting and I usually plan things, write texts (letters, blog posts etc) mentally while knitting. Typing texts doesn't take much time once they're "knitted" into shape.

So, what have I been doing instead of knitting lately? Well, the most remarkable thing was finding some snow on 15 July during a trip to Härjedalen last week! This involved rowing across a lake, treading through
mosquito-filled marshes and
across barren hills before crossing the Norwegian border and walking some more. And then all the way back. Not much more than 12 kilometers (7½ miles) in all, but the hills were fairly steep and there wasn't much of a path.
Last, about the blog post title:
here's a link to a poem I like, "Not waving but drowning" by Stevie Smith.
Lake Bolmagen |