Wednesday, 16 June 2010

The joy of blocking

Anna's shawl
Originally uploaded by

I love blocking shawls! This time the total width grew by some 38 cm (15 in).

Tomorrow I've got two knitting-related activities to celebrate the first day of my summer holidays: having lunch with Anna to give her this shawl and see how it looks on her, and in the evening meeting up with my knitting & sewing group from work.

I did manage to knit in public on Saturday, joining other members of group Uppmaskan at the train station in Uppsala.

Unfortunately, I could only stay for some 20 minutes, between the opening of an art show where a cousin of mine is represented, and a colleague's birthday party. Toil and moil...


EvaL8 said...

Vackra sjalar. Vi har visst släktingar på Kaleido båda två. ha ett skönt sommarlov.

Anonymous said...

What an interesting shape. Yes, blocking is fun in that aspect and I often think of it as the butterfly emerging from the pupa. Your city is mentioned often in The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and I always think of you knitting peacefully there when he talks about Uppsala.
Ron in Mexico

Allison said...

Blocking is magic! Lovely shawl.

FadenStille said...

Für mich ist blocking nur magic, wenn ich dabei zuschauen kann, denn ich glaube, Männer können das am besten, die einzige Gelegenheit, dass auch mein Mann ein Strickstück in Händen hält, aber dann wird es auch ech perfekt...
Great, great work...
Liefs from France Anett