Saturday 18 June 2016

Twined news

There's a new Norwegian book about twined knitting - I heard about it recently (thanks, Heidi!) and sent for it straight away, of course. Such books are few and far between. It arrived yesterday, so I'm happily learning about Norwegian traditions. It's fascinating how different their use of the same technique is. To be honest, I didn't know much before - really only about their covering mittens with loops of yarn and then turning them inside out to get the purl ridges on the outside. I know a lot more now!

Speaking of twined knitting, I made a twined mini purse recently to test a pattern idea. Mini as in room for a couple of USB sticks.


  1. For the first time in my life, I wish I could read Norwegian! Love your mini purse. :)

  2. Men åh... så delikat och så robust på samma gång... helt underbar liten "pouch"!

  3. Trevligt att du är tillbaka, jag har saknat dina blogginlägg! Fast jag har haft en paus själv och förstår uppehållet :-) Vill också passa på att tacka för besöket i butiken, kommer tillbaka nästa gång jag besöker sonen i Stockholm! Trevlig sommar!


Comments make me happy! I try to anwer all questions (don't hesitate to remind me if I forget) and will probably do so in a new post.