Monday 13 June 2016

Twined & brioche projects

Today my friend Andrew gave me a charming tatting book from 1944 - there are many beautiful patterns in it, so I feel like getting my shuttles out again. I don't have the nails to match them, but at least I do have a new twined knitting project to match the cover.

The patterns are from A History of Hand Knitting by Richard Rutt, actually the very same cushion I got last post's pattern from, but I'm using thicker yarn and needles. Or, rather, not as thin: 500 metres/100 gr wool-silk blend and 2 mm needles.

Gauge curious? 54 stitches = 10 cm/4 in

Yesterday I added a finishing touch to a pair of twined mittens I finished last year. They were slightly too wide, so I felted them by hand and now they fit perfectly - and the fact that I love both grey and stripes doesn't hurt.

For the mittens I used wool from Östergötlands ullspinneri. It works beautifully for brioche knitting too, and I've made two brioche scarves recently using their variegated wool. (Knitting with 4 mm needles almost felt like cheating now that I've been into 1.25 - 2 mm for a while.)

With felted twined mittens and two scarves I should be well prepared for Midsummer - it normally gets rather cold then, or perhaps that's just my impression?


  1. Very nice work!
    Happy day

  2. Beautiful work, as always. Funny that 4 mm should feel like cheating! Nice to see you back, and 'Happy New Year' as per your last post!

  3. Everything is gorgeous, as always, but I especially love the mittens!

  4. Mittens always tug at my heart as well. Such a practical and useful item and a great opportunity to show off skills like twined knitting. They are beautiful. Thanks for the video.

  5. Hej Ivar,
    I absolutely know the cheating feeling :-) I'm working a swatch on 5 mm needles just now, and I even went up from 4½ - but my favorite needle sizes being 2½-3 mm, it kind of feels like holding logs, and also like it's going too fast ;-)
    And funny that you have worked your brioche scarves on the bias. I have two very similar brioche scarf projects on the needles (though they are hibernating at the moment), and - as often with brioche - I am forever pondering on the best way to work the edges. Mind you, my scarves are in 2-color brioche which makes the edge issue even trickier, especially on the bias.
    Whishing you nice weather for the Midsummer celebration :-)


Comments make me happy! I try to anwer all questions (don't hesitate to remind me if I forget) and will probably do so in a new post.