Sunday 4 December 2016

Donegal sweater finished at long last

Almost to my surprise I finally finished my "Donegal" sweater, an Alice Starmore design. My Ravelry project page tells me I cast on in July 2013 - and it seems I haven't touched it since perhaps February 2015. For whatever reason I suddenly got it out the day before yesterday for a diagnosis. Good news: only 1/4 of a sleeve left to knit. Great news: no moth holes! It only took two evenings to finish it, so I wonder what made me put it aside for almost two years - I usually accelerate towards the end of a project. Maybe there was something I've chosen to forget, like getting the colour changes all wrong for a few rows? We'll see.

One thing I do remember is having difficulties deciding where and how to end the front and back for a shoulder join without major pattern cracks and collisions. I even think I modified the chart slightly, which feels practically sacrilegous. (Meddling with a Starmore chart!) Perhaps I get a needle and some leftovers to embroider stitches so that the lines near the neckband meet. To me it looks as if someone took a bite, which in a way is rather charming.

shoulder join

The negative thing is that I ended up with sleeves that are too wide: to get where I wanted in the chart I had to knit more rows than I otherwise would have done. On the other hand, it turned out an oversized sweater (or perhaps I'm undersized?) so it doesn't matter much.

Since summer I've been toying with brioche scarves, using increases, decreases and short rows to achieve zigzag effects. These three scarves are all made with Visjö yarn from Östergötlands ullspinneri, extremely addictive wool.

Z scarves

The past few months I've been teaching unusually much (two weekends a month at HV in Stockholm, for example) which is fantastic. Only a few years ago I never would have guessed there'd be so many opportunites to teach knitting, so I count myself extremly lucky being able to combine my profession and my lifelong hobby. This blog gets to starve, though - imagine dreary posts about my writing instructions. I'd rather write about my private projects here, even though they are few and far between these days, "they" referring to projects as well as blog posts ;-)

Happy knitting!

En av många fördelar med att ha ett frikostigt antal projekt på gång samtidigt är att det plötsligt kan gå väldigt snabbt att avsluta ett av dem. För mig är det något av en gåta varför jag har låtit tröjan Donegal ligga i nästan två år fast det bara var ungefär en fjärdedels ärm kvar. Ärmarna har jag stickat direkt på kroppen, så det var inte ens någon montering kvar. Nå, härom kvällen fick den komma ut och nosa i alla fall, och med så pass lite arbete kvar tog det faktiskt inte mer än ett par kvällar att få den klar. Tack och lov kunde jag inte hitta några gnaghål eller så!

Däremot minns jag att jag fick fundera en del på hur jag skulle få ihop det över axlarna med så få mönsterkrockar som möjligt. Visserligen hittade jag ett bra varv i diagrammet, men jag fick rita om det lite för att inte påbörja nya mönsterformer som bara skulle bli stympade direkt. Det innebar också att jag stickade några fler varv än jag annars skulle ha gjort, så tröjan är i största laget - speciellt ärmarna. Det går nog inte att lura någon att tro att det döljer sig kraftiga bicepsmuskler under dem.

Annars har jag lekt med patentstickning en hel del, kombinerat ökningar och minskningar på olika sätt för att få lite roliga former på halsdukar. Tre av dem syns på fotot ovan, samtliga i Visjögarn från Östergötlands ullspinneri. 

Det blir inte så många plagg som förr, och därför inte heller så många uppdateringar här. Det beror framför allt på att jag har fått fler uppdrag som kursledare i stickning än jag hade vågat drömma om, så mycket av min sticktid går åt till att tänka ut uppgifter, skriva instruktioner till dem och teststicka. Det är otroligt givande att arbeta med kurser, men den processen ser jag inte som överdrivet blogg-kompatibel.


  1. I look forward to your posts, no matter how infrequent. Your modifications to make the joins look better, and your updates of older patterns, are always inspiring. Keep up the great work!

  2. Thanks, ripple - I appreciate that!

  3. Congratsulations :) I have been in awe over that sweater since I first got Alice Starmores book 20-25 years ago - it is gorgeous. (As are a great many of the sweaters in that book, "The Celtic Collection!) Nice slip stitch (?) pattern you did on the neckband :)

  4. Mange tak :)
    I agree, it's a gem of a book and I too got it some 20-25 years ago. The neckband is stranded garter stitch, but it could done with slipped stitches too. The neckband pattern is Alice Starmore's, the one she uses in the kit instructions.

  5. That sweater is delicious! And the scarves are lovely, of course. Thx for the update. :)

  6. That is such a beautiful creation. It obviously wanted to be finished now. Your shoulder seams are very nice. And the zigzag scarves too. I'm not finding time or energy to blog so much as I used to, but it's always lovely to see my blog-friend's posts and catch up on things! Great to know that you have so many teaching opportunities. I'd love to come to one of your classes. I just finished my (Starmore) Oregon cardigan and blogged about that. It must be a phase of the planets or something!

  7. I'm always happy to see one of your posts. I admire your work so much and I especially enjoy your comments about each project. Your new life sounds very fulfilling! Wishing you the very best!

  8. I can't imagine how you lined up the shoulder the way you did. It is beautiful - as is the whole sweater. Interesting scarves. I love the shape and colours.
    Ron in Mexico

  9. Hi
    Will you come back one day? It´s always so nice and instructive to read your blog.
    Have a nice day

  10. Stunning sweater!
    Will you be sharing some more inspiration and/or instruction/patterns for the brioche scarves that are lovely! I'd be more than happy to buy instructions!
    Thanks, Annelie


Comments make me happy! I try to anwer all questions (don't hesitate to remind me if I forget) and will probably do so in a new post.